Marketing News: How Can You Use Neuromarketing in Charleston?

Marketing News: How Can You Use Neuromarketing in Charleston?

Pretend we can travel back in time for a moment. How would you explain how marketing has changed to someone in the 1990’s? You’d have a lot of information to cover. Even more if you time traveled after you read the following marketing news. One of the newest marketing trends is so tricky, it’s mental. […]

The 10 Elements of a Powerful Inbound Marketing Strategy

The 10 Elements of a Powerful Inbound Marketing Strategy

How do you center your marketing approach? Would you rather bombard leads with cold calls? Or would you rather use tools such as content and education to draw customers in? If you prefer the latter, you should start exercising inbound marketing. Inbound marketing uses content and other useful tools to attract prospects, converting them to […]

5 Reasons Every Business Should Use Buyer Personas

5 Reasons Every Business Should Use Buyer Personas

One challenge small business owners have is finding the time, personnel, and financial resources to launch an effective inbound marketing campaign. Creating a buyer persona is a basic yet powerful marketing tool. Buyer Personas Using buyer personas are among the simplest, effective, and efficient ways to begin growing your business. Buyer personas are fictional representations of […]

5 Steps to Create an Inbound Marketing Plan

Inbound Marketing Plan

A few months ago we received a call from a business seeking a marketing firm to redesign its e-commerce website. The call was transferred to me, and within a couple of minutes, the gentleman on the other line said, “We are 80 percent sure we will be doing business with your firm.” Wow! I was […]

14 Inbound Marketing Statistics that Will Blow Your Mind

Inbound Marketing Statistics

We enjoy introducing the inbound marketing methodology to businesses because there has never been a marketing strategy quite like inbound marketing. We are a major proponent of inbound marketing because it not only has worked for our clients, but it has also worked for us. It’s unique because the strategy was created from the natural […]

Website Design: The Inbound Marketing Approach

inbound marketing with strategic website design

Marketers today realize the importance of inbound marketing to promote their business brand. A key component in the inbound marketing methodology is having a website that allows you to convert visitors into customers. The first stage of inbound marketing is “attract,” which means you need to create relative, informative content peppered with the keywords your potential customers […]

Why Law Firms Should be Using Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing for Law Firms

Why are there more than 200 million people on the national Do-Not-Call List? Similarly, what compels more than 85% of television viewers to skip through commercials or a whopping 91% of email recipients to unsubscribe from email mailings? Answer: We are all tired of unsolicited advertising. Known as outbound marketing, this old method of reaching […]